Monday, October 25, 2010


Lane, K., Givner, C., & Pierson, M. (2004). Teacher Expectations of Student Behavior: Social Skills Necessary for Success in Elementary School Classrooms. Journal of Special Education, 38(2), 104-110. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

This study looked at expectations of the teacher and how that affected the student’s behavior. They looked at the differences in expectations based on grade level and special education versus regular education teachers.

Henricsson, L., & Rydell, A. (2004). Elementary School Children with Behavior Problems: Teacher-Child Relations and Self-Perception. A Prospective Study. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 50(2), 111-138. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

The study looks at the relationships between teachers and students with behavior problems. The study showed that building relationships can help with behavior problems.

Jensen, L., & Johnston, N. (1980). MORAL EDUCATION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: SHARING BEHAVIOR AS AN EXEMPLAR. Education, 100(4), 314. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

This study looks at if instruction of moral education will help with behavior. They looked at adding moral instruction to the current curriculum. Special attention is given to clarifying the role of the teacher.

Thomas, D., Bierman, K., Thompson, C., & Powers, C. (2008). Double Jeopardy: Child and School Characteristics That Predict Aggressive-Disruptive Behavior in First Grade. School Psychology Review, 37(4), 516-532. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

This study looks at predicting aggressive behaviors in first grade. They used a group of 755 first grade students from diverse backgrounds, They used surveys from parents and teachers to identify key behaviors that would predict the aggressive behaviors.


McCready, L., & Soloway, G. (2010). Teachers' perceptions of challenging student behaviours in model inner city schools. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 15(2), 111-123. doi:10.1080/13632752.2010.480883.

The study was completed in inner city Toronto and looked at behaviors of students in four schools. The study was completed over a two year time period. The author looked at student’s behaviors and how the fifty teachers address those behaviors.

Miles, S., & Stipek, D. (2006). Contemporaneous and Longitudinal Associations Between Social Behavior and Literacy Achievement in a Sample of Low-Income Elementary School Children. Child Development, 77(1), 103-117. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2006.00859.x.

This was a study of the connection between literacy achievement and aggressive behaviors in a sample of low income students. The path analyses revealed that poor literacy achievement was an indicator of aggressive behavior in later years.

Leflot, G., Lier, P., Onghena, P., & Colpin, H. (2010). The Role of Teacher Behavior Management in the Development of Disruptive Behaviors: An Intervention Study with the Good Behavior Game. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(6), 869-882. doi:10.1007/s10802-010-9411-4.

This study was how students on task behaviors increased when teachers used positive remarks to correct behavior. Students that were corrected using a negative remark were more likely to be off task.

Downing, J., Keating, T., & Bennett, C. (2005). Effective Reinforcement Techniques in Elementary Physical Education: The Key to Behavior Management. Physical Educator, 62(3), 114-122. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

The purpose of the study was to find ways to enforce positive behaviors while stopping negative behaviors in physical education class. While the study was for physical education the same techniques can be used in all classes. The study showed that reinforcement strategies were more effective than punishing strategies.


The final video project.

Sunday, October 24, 2010



Some of our staff decided to surprise our elementary students by dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller on the day of our Halloween parades and parties. I happen o be unable to participate because I am in a cast, but they asked me to help with the sound. I stopped in one afternoon for their practice and thought we should record it so they could have it to practice. My daughter agreed to run the camera for us. My principal sent me the sound file. I just had to put it all together!

This was the first time I had used iMovie to sync and audio track with a video track. I was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think I did not get the properly edited music track though because it had to be trimmed extensively in the beginning in order for it to match the end of the dance. I know that my principal's son had done some editing to the sound track to make it fit the dance.

I would say it worked pretty well for my first time! My daughter said our staff looks way better than her high school teachers do when they do this for the high school students every year.


Google Presentation

Wow! I am very impressed with the ease of using this to create presentations. I know so many people that would have loved to have known about Google Docs when they were getting their degrees and had to complete assignments with groups.

This opens up all sorts of opportunities for collaboration. I am hoping to share this information with my staff so they can see how easy it is not only to create the content, but to do so together!


Google Drawing

I was impressed with the ease of using Google Drawing. It is very similar to Microsoft's drawing tools so I was familiar with all the tools.

I had not yet attempted anything like this so was happy to see it was so easy. Looking forward to using it in the coming months.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay, so we have been using it and have finished compiling the lists. I found that I am really vey picky about how things get formatted and that is something I will have to get past in using these collaborative tools.

Still not sure why the one would not open using the link. He never let me know it was a problem and I did not approach him about it because i did not want to cause him any embarrassment. He is a tad technologically illiterate so it is important, I think, to make sure I don't discourage his progress by embarrassing him.